Balancing Work And Worship: Ramadan As A Senior Recruiter

​For millions of Muslims the world over, Ramadan marks the beginning of a month devoted to fasting, prayer, mindfulness, and personal introspection. Considered one of the holiest months in the Islamic calendar, many Muslims will be fasting from sunrise to sunset every day, which could be around 17 hours of not eating or drinking for…

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How to Find a Career Mentor

​It can be hard navigating a career in a world of endless opportunities and choices. Even if you have a specific job in mind, the road to getting there is never straightforward. Having a mentor to act as a helping hand in your journey is one of the most effective ways to keep you on…

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Why Authenticity Should Be Your Recruitment USP

​When it comes to finding the ideal candidate for a role, recruiters rely on a variety of tactics, from lengthy job descriptions packed to the brim with clichés (what exactly is a ‘dynamic environment’, anyway?) to structured and rigorous interview processes. However, in our experience, there’s one superpower that really can make all the difference…

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