What Are Your Weaknesses? The 5 Best Interview Answers

​It’s finally happening – you’ve impressed the employer of your dream job and have made it to the final stages of the hiring process. All that’s left is to win them over once and for all at the face-to-face interview. For it to be a success, a candidate must prepare well. This means taking the…

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How To Practice Active Listening At Work

Think back to the last conversation you had with a co-worker, or a chat with your boss. How much of the time did you spend listening, and how much did you spend focused on what you would say next, or distracted by something else? We’re all the main characters in our own story, so it’s…

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6 Ways To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone At Work

A comfort zone is a place of safety that offers familiarity and comes with the guarantee that nothing bad can happen. It’s easy to stay in it for too long at work, just like it is in many other areas of our lives. While it may be the most appealing route to take, it can…

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Recognising And Tackling Islamophobia In The Workplace

Islamophobia remains disturbingly common in the UK. In a survey carried out by the Equality and Human Rights Commission in 2018, 70% Muslims said they had experienced religious prejudice in the preceding year, and separate research revealed that an incredible 69% had even experienced this in the workplace. These unfortunate statistics reflect the fact that…

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What To Do If You Hate Your New Job

It’s a scenario that’s more common than you’d think. You spend ages applying for roles, weeks selling yourself in interviews, and finally, you land a role that seems perfect. But then, a few weeks in, you realise your new job isn’t quite what you thought it would be, and you start to wonder if you’ve…

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